Michiganders work hard every day.

Our representatives in Congress should do the same for us. Instead of championing and voting for the well-being of families, workers, veterans, and seniors to lower costs, several members of Congress are choosing to line the pockets of big corporations and those at the top.

This needs to change. In our state alone, almost a million of us gained access to health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 671,600 were covered thanks to Medicaid expansion, and all will benefit from lower prescription drug prices thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. Those are massive improvements to our lives and the lives of our friends and families that we’ve fought tirelessly for and are still at risk of getting repealed.

Michigan Families for Fair Care is committed to fighting for access to affordable health care and prescription drugs and asking Representative John James to start putting Michiganders ahead of Big Pharma profits. 

Give $6 billion tax breaks for corporations when he voted for H.R. 1

Take away food assistance from older adults and seniors relying on Meals on Wheels

Cut funding for veterans’ benefits

Congressman John James has put corporations ahead of MI-10 residents. 

Instead of working to lower the costs and make health care fair, James has voted to: 

Make it harder for seniors to access the Social Security and Medicare benefits they earned

Take away Medicaid coverage from people who do not meet work requirements, putting health coverage at risk for 21 million Americans 

Use your voice. Share your story.

We are elevating the voices of Michiganders and telling the stories of our families, friends, and neighbors who want a brighter and healthier future for their families and communities.