Working hard FOR Michiganders

Who We Are

Michigan residents work hard every day and many depend on health care and food assistance. Through centering the voices of real people, Michigan Families for Fair Care is committed to providing education to Michiganders about the state of health care and the economy in our communities, available health care and economic resources, and risks to programs our community depends on.

Issue Areas

Health Care

In our state alone, almost a million Michiganders gained access to health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act (bringing down the rates of uninsured from 11% in 2013 to 5% in 2021), 967,000 Michiganders gained coverage thanks to Medicaid expansion, and about 673,000 Michiganders will save an average of $356 per year thanks to lower drug prices from provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. Those are massive improvements to our lives and the lives of our friends and families.

In our state alone, 1,555,952 Michiganders benefit from access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and 202,200 Michiganders benefit from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). These programs are crucial to safeguarding the health of low-income families and their children by putting nutritious food on the table and providing nutrition education and breastfeeding support. WIC participation is associated with many positive outcomes, including reduced risk of low birth weight and infant death, food security, improved diet quality, child immunization rates, and access to health care. SNAP itself lifts millions of people and children out of poverty by bridging temporary periods of unemployment or a family crisis, reducing food insecurity, protecting the overall economy, and supporting workers.

Food Assistance

Threats to our benefits and care

In just the last few years, many legislative proposals have been introduced that would drastically harm our families, send millions into poverty, and eliminate decades of progress so that wealthy corporations and billionaires can get tax cuts. Here’s what you need to know:

    • Stripping Medicaid coverage from people who do not meet stricter work requirements putting health coverage at risk for 930,133 Michiganders.

    • Cutting access to Health Resources and Services Administration’s health centers and their critical health care for around 2 million people. These centers provide care for one in three people living in poverty and one in five rural residents. There are 6 locations in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District.

    • Making cuts to the Department of Agriculture, reducing participation in and establishing new waiting lists for the 13,898 WIC recipients in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District.

    • Cutting access to Health Resources and Services Administration’s health centers and their critical health care for around 2 million people. These centers provide care for one in three people living in poverty and one in five rural residents. There are 6 locations in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. 

    • Cutting access to opioid use disorder treatment and mental health care.

    • Repealing premium tax credits that help Michigan families afford health insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplace.

    • Cutting trillions of dollars from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program which could result in tens of millions of Americans losing health insurance and reduce low-income children’s access to care. 

    • Repealing Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug prices which could raise prescription drug costs.

Raise your voice.