With Valentine’s Day Approaching, Can Rep. John James Commit to a No-Cuts Budget that Shows Love to His Constituents?

MACOMB, Michigan- The 4th potential government shutdown deadline is only a month away. Congressman John James can still decide to side with his constituents and commit to a no-cuts budget instead of doubling down on devastating cuts to critical programs. 

James previously voted for cuts to Social Security Administration funding as part of the failed September 29th continuing resolution. These cuts would increase wait times and make it harder for seniors to access their earned benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, over 2.2 million Michiganders were Social Security Administration beneficiaries in 2022, which made Michigan the eighth-highest state for Social Security beneficiaries.

Susan Diliberti, a resident of Clinton Township: 

“As someone who depends on Social Security, I can’t believe my Congressman thinks we should be cutting funding for the Social Security Administration, especially as it’s getting even harder for the generations after me to save for retirement. Will my daughter have access to Social Security?”

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care: 

“John James should commit to a budget that puts the needs of his constituents first, voting to make it harder for his constituents to access Social Security isn’t what Congressman James was sent to Washington to do.”



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