Can Michiganders Count on Congressman James to Prioritize Fully  Funding WIC and Protecting SNAP Over a Government Shutdown? 

Congressman James Already Voted for Cuts to WIC and SNAP, Michiganders Need Him to Put Constituents over His Party’s Attempts to Underfund Critical Programs that Millions Rely On   

MACOMB, Michigan-  As the March 1st deadline for Congress to pass federal government funding packages approaches, House Republicans are refusing to fully fund WIC and pushing to restrict SNAP at the expense of hard working families.   

Representative John James has remained silent on the negotiations thus far, raising the question of whether he supports fully funding WIC or would instead let children in his district go hungry

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care

“Congressman John James has already shown that he is willing to cut essential programs to prioritize his political party.  We ask that he commit to fully funding WIC and make his position on the budget negotiations clear so that his constituents know where he stands. What is more important to him, playing political games to shut down the government or feeding hungry children in his district?”

James previously voted for the so-called “Limit, Save Grow” Act, which would have cut funding for WIC and pushed people in need off of SNAP.

Jocelyn Howard, Warren Resident

“As someone who works in Macomb County schools, I see how harmful hunger is for our students. Rep. James should commit to fully funding WIC and to protect SNAP a to ensure that our children don’t go hungry.”


About Michigan Families for Fair Care   

Michigan Families for Fair Care is a 501c(4) issue advocacy campaign devoted to educating the residents of Michigan’s 10th Congressional District on important economic issues and the impact of Congressman John James’ votes in Congress.


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