Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, And State Rep. Donavan McKinney Join Michigan Families for Fair Care For Holiday Toy Drive And Charity Basketball Game 

On Saturday December 23rd, Michigan Families for Fair Care, Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, and State Rep. Donavan McKinney participated in a charity basketball game and toy drive for families in the community which yielded over $3,000 in donations and 2,500 toys.

This game caps off a year of events focused around raising awareness for the continued struggles of Michiganders and the threat that rising costs pose to people of all demographics. Whether it is credit card late fees, health care prices, or the unfair consequences of the Republican Tax Scam, Michigan Families for Fair Care has repeatedly organized to bring awareness for the constituents of Michigan’s 10th Congressional District, who have been unjustly ignored by their representative in Congress.

State Representative Donavan McKinney:

“Every year the holiday season comes around and families have to balance their monthly budgets so they are not saddled with additional debt going into the new year. We hope this toy drive and basketball game help ease that pressure for the people in our district. I’m glad we could finish this year on a high note, and motivate everyone to stay engaged because the only way we will get through this period of economic hardship is together.”

Michigan Families for Fair Care Director, Steve Lawson:

“This charity drive was a massive success, we collected 2,500 toys and raised over $3000 for families. We are all working together as we prepare for the start of what could be a very expensive four years. Our organization has repeatedly warned of the threats that could come out of Washington that may pose a heavy burden on everyone’s budgets. We’re going to continue to focus on the needs our community has and we’ll continue to address them in the new year.”


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