Michigan Families for Fair Care Celebrate Michigan Educators

The Best Way To Appreciate Our Teachers Is To Make Sure Their Needs Are Being Met 

MACOMB, Michigan— Michigan Families for Fair Care held an event last week to celebrate and hear from Michigan educators on Teacher Appreciation Week. Michigan educators and students have faced numerous challenges in recent years, including House Republicans voting to slash nutrition assistance programs for families and kids in need. It hasn’t stopped there, House Republicans, including John James, also voted to cut support for nearly 200,000 disabled students and over $100 million in funding for schools that serve over 660,000 students in Michigan. Michigan educators have been clear, they want elected officials to make it easier to provide students with a stable education.

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care

“Congressman John James should not be in favor of legislation that makes it more difficult for children to have a healthy educational experience. Students need to have a reliable form of food assistance. Kids and families should not be forced to learn on empty stomachs. We urge Congressman James to listen to the educators in his district and support policies that reduce costs and allow families access to the social programs keeping them afloat.” 


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