Michiganders Call On John James To Stand Up For Women’s Health  

Michiganders Encourage Congress to Honor The Meaning Of National Women’s Health Week  

MACOMB, Michigan— To honor National Women’s Health Week, Michigan Families for Fair Care is calling on Rep. John James to support efforts in Congress to strengthen health protections and benefits, including maternal health, for women across this country. 

According to the Center for Disease Control pregnancy-related mortality has not improved in over a decade. In Michigan alone, 80-90 maternal deaths occur a year, and over 60% of these deaths are preventable. Black women in Michigan also die at a rate nearly twice as high as white women. 

The Biden administration has taken steps to address health care related problems via the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, which brought down out-of-pocket costs and drug prices to Medicare recipients. The problems women in our society are facing are real, and we need accountability in Congress to make even more progress.  

Thankfully the Biden-Harris administration has invested $105 million in community-based organizations to improve maternal and infant health across the country. But many vital social programs are facing the chopping block. Republicans like John James have supported legislation that would slash Social Security and Medicare, affecting millions of women nationwide. 

Rochelle, of  Macomb County

“Michigan women need stability when it comes to our health care benefits. This   means we need to bring down out-of-pocket costs and make sure that life-saving medicine, like insulin, remains affordable for everyone. Women in this country are often disproportionately impacted by potential cuts to health care access. This National Women’s Health Week serves as a reminder that women, maternal, and infant health is vulnerable when the price of help is too high. If Republicans like John James have their way, all these programs and more could be taken away.”


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