Michigan Families for Fair Care Collects $2000 Worth of Food Donations While Calling On Rep. John James To Oppose Cuts To SNAP

MACOMB, Michigan— Yesterday, Michigan Families for Fair Care collected $2000 worth of food donations for local families to raise awareness for the importance of government services like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Currently, House Republicans have put forward a Farm Bill that would implement $30 billion in cuts to SNAP over the next decade. Michigan Families for Fair Care vows to hold Rep. John James accountable for the well being of the people of his district, instead of repeatedly voting against our interests

Michigan Families for Fair Care Executive Director, Steve Lawson

“SNAP is our country’s most important anti-hunger program and it is vital that it is protected, especially now when children are more likely to struggle with food insecurity. 

When the Farm Bill comes up for a vote. Congressman John James will have to decide on whether or not to cut nearly one billion dollars of benefits from Michigan’s SNAP participants. James’s constituents are worried that he does not have our back. He’s repeatedly shown that his priorities lie with special interest groups, would he really side with them again when it comes to addressing child hunger? We urge Congressman John James to oppose any cuts to SNAP benefits for Michigan families.”

Organizers for the food drive stand behind boxes of donated food next to a sign that reads “Michigan Families for Fair Care” 

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, SNAP food benefits helped 1.349 million Michigan residents, roughly one in seven residents in Michigan. More than 60% of SNAP participants were low income families with children. The program helped lift 243,000 people above the poverty line, including over 106,000 children. 

Uneeda Nichols, For Our Future Michigan

“When our elected officials fail to protect the most basic services, like food security, for the children and seniors in our communities. It falls on us, the people, to have to provide and hold those accountable that refused to help. The future of our country deserves better, and John James needs to decide if he will be a part of the solution.”


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