Where’s Rep. John James? Michigan Families For Fair Care Calls On The Congressman To Take Questions From His Constituents

Michigan Families for Fair Care calls on Congressman John James to hold a public town hall to take questions directly from his constituents during the upcoming August recess. 

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care:
“While Rep. James has time for cable news appearances and a trip to Milwaukee to gather with Republicans, he’s yet to hold an in-person public town hall where he can answer pressing questions from the people he’s meant to serve since coming to office. Rep. James has the opportunity to address the issues most Michiganders care about and explain his voting record, which shows he’srepeatedly sided against their interests, whether by voting to raise health care costs by supporting the Default on America Act or being part of a group calling to raise the retirement age for Social Security benefits. He owes it to the people that got him into office to take a break from the spotlight, show his face, and answer questions about his voting record.”


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