Michigan Families For Fair Care Urges Congressman John James To Support Michiganders This Mental Health Awareness Month

MACOMB, Michigan - May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which means it is an opportunity to recognize the challenges millions of Americans face when it comes to their mental health. According to a recent Navigator Research project, money is the first thing Americans think about when they wake up, citing the bills they would need to pay for that day, including gas, groceries, and housing costs. Michiganders, like all Americans, are not immune to the effects inflation has had on their monthly budgets, and increased psychological stressors, like not knowing if you’ll have enough to make ends meet, create ripe conditions for worsened mental health. 

Last year, Congressman John James voted in favor of the Default on America Act, which would have limited mental health resources for vulnerable members of our community, students, and veterans. If James had it his way, many veterans would have been unable to get appointments for care, including wellness visits, substance use disorder treatment, and mental health services. Educators would have been limited in their ability to address student mental health issues due to cuts to funding dedicated to creating healthy learning environments in schools by hundreds of millions of dollars. Affordable and accessible health care should not be up for discussion, and they are the lifeline for better mental health. This month, let's remind Representative John James that our mental health matters. 

Rochelle, CPA in Macomb County
“I do not wish the stress of large medical bills on top of rising grocery costs on anyone. Congressman John James, we urge you to remember your constituents this Mental Health Awareness Month. Educators, veterans, parents, and students deserve stability and the opportunity to live a life free from the constant worry of bills and debt.”


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