Michigan Families For Fair Care Celebrates Our Veterans This Memorial Day 

This Memorial Day, we will remember and thank the U.S. Armed Forces members who gave their lives for this country. We should also be grateful to all veterans. Thanks to their sacrifice, we are able to have a democracy that many consider the envy of the world. Unfortunately, several representatives, including Representative John James, in Congress have taken steps that put veterans' benefits in peril. 

Last year, House Republicans pushed forward a bill known as the Default on America Act. The bill placed limits on mental health resources for veterans and would leave many with the inability to receive essential services like wellness visits, cancer screenings, and substance use disorder treatments. Access to health care should be neither optional nor conditional, especially for Michigan veterans and their families.

So as many of us get ready for the long weekend, let’s acknowledge the fight that our veterans are facing. The fight to protect veterans’ benefits should matter  to all Michiganders, and bad legislation, like the Default on America Act, pose a threat to our long term stability and a reliable health care system that helps those that need it most. 


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