Michigan Families For Fair Care Wishes Michiganders A Happy Pride 

This Pride Month, Let's Remind Our Congressman To Represent Everyone Equally  

MACOMB, Michigan - This year, Michigan continues to make strides to celebrate Pride in our community. Governor Whitmer’s administration has taken regular steps to protect LGBTQ+ people by expanding anti-discrimination laws and banning conversion therapy for minors. Unfortunately, Michigan’s efforts have not proven to be enough. Meanwhile, states across the nation continue to target LGBTQ+ rights, ranging from censoring teacher’s ability to teach in schools to restricting access to health care. 

According to a 2019 analysis conducted by the Williams Institute, more than one in five LGBTQ+ adults are living in poverty (22%), significantly higher when compared to straight and cisgender adults (16%). In a time of increased costs, our members of Congress should be working to help make life easier, not harder, especially for members of marginalized communities. That hasn’t stopped Rep. John James from supporting policies that would give tax handouts to the ultra-wealthy and endanger existing policies to make prescription drugs cheaper. 

Rep. John James is part of the Republican Study Committee, which recently proposed a budget that would help keep big corporations from paying their fair share in taxes and roll back subsidies that keep people insured. The University of Michigan released a study that found LGBTQ+ adults were more likely than others to go without health insurance simply because of cost. Congress cannot make health care more expensive. It risks lives. 

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care:
“Michigan’s LGBTQ+ community has faced challenge after challenge, it is about time that Congress had their back. Rep. John James cannot govern for the few at the risk of the health and safety of the many. People who are elected to Congress should assess the needs of the community they represent and act to make their lives better. This budget the Republican Study Committee proposed does not do that.”


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