Michigan Families for Fair Care Celebrates The Anniversary of The Supreme Court Upholding The Affordable Care Act

On June 28th, 2012, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act and, most importantly, protect Medicaid expansion. Twelve years have passed since the monumental decision, and we are still feeling the ripples today. Thanks to the court’s decision, more Michiganders are insured, and nearly all states have expanded Medicaid coverage for low-income families. 

Unfortunately, despite repeated failures to repeal the Affordable Care Act, House Republicans, including Michigan Representative John James, are determined to gut the policies that keep the Affordable Care Act funded. Rep. James is part of a conservative committee that has proposed a budget that would eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions and would roll back subsidies and regulations originally aimed at expanding coverage. Vital programs like the ACA’s premium tax credits, which help keep insurance premiums low for Americans nationwide, would be on the chopping block if the Republican Study Committee gets its way.

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care

“During a time when Michiganders are struggling with the cost of basic goods, they should not have to worry about losing access to their health care. Many families are barely accessing health care thanks to Medicaid expansion, and others rely on programs, like the Affordable Care Act tax credits, to make it through the month. Rep. John James needs to look his constituents in the eye if he is going to try to take their ability to make ends meet from them.” 


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