Statement From Michigan Families For Fair Care On Drug Price Negotiation Announcement

Just ahead of the two-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the White House announced how much consumers have saved from the law’s prescription drug pricing negotiations. The marquee provision is designed to protect American consumers by allowing Medicare to negotiate, as a block, on behalf of enrollees for cheaper drugs. 

This program’s initial batch of drugs were designed to target leukemia, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. The percentage drop in prices will surely have a dramatic impact on recipients’ monthly budgets with certain drug prices dropping 40%, 60%, and nearly 80%. 

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care: 

“For far too long, seniors have had to scrape together their savings just to afford life-saving medicine. Thanks to the efforts of the Biden-Harris Administration, Michigan families now have a lifeline. The IRA’s drug price negotiation provision results in cheaper and fairer prices, and levels the playing field for working class families across the country. While voters are united in their support of this common-sense policy, Republicans like John James are steadfastly working to reverse these wins. Time and time again, the GOP has stood with Big Pharma instead of seniors and families. While Rep. James and his Republican colleagues work to claw back your savings, Michiganders will keep fighting to hold their elected officials accountable and bring prices even lower.” 

If this seems like a common-sense slam-dunk, it is: 83% of Americans agree with the drug price negotiation provision. Unfortunately, despite having strong support for all of its provisions, not a single Republican voted for the IRA. Now, Republicans like Rep. John James are fighting tooth and nail to repeal these hard-won drug pricing reforms. Rep. James has repeatedly voted to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act despite the wishes of the Michiganders he was elected to represent. We urge you to call Rep. John James and ask him to support drug price negotiations for his constituents. 


Statement From Michigan Families For Fair Care On Lowering The Cost Of Prescription Drugs


Michigan Health Care Advocates Celebrate Medicare’s 59th Birthday