Michigan Families Fair Care On Latest IRS Tax Enforcement Windfall

MACOMB, Michigan- IRS officials have announced a new tax windfall of $1 billion from wealthy millionaires who have failed to pay their taxes for years. The news comes after the Biden administration's efforts to empower the IRS to go after the ultra-wealthy after years of avoiding tax accountability at the expense of the middle class - much to the chagrin of our Congressman who voted repeatedly to stop this funding from happening. The IRS can now properly enforce the law equally, and has the returns to prove it.

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care:
“Michigan families deserve a break after years of footing this country’s tax bill following the disastrous 2017 Trump tax plan. Unfortunately, constituents of Michigan’s 10th congressional district are represented by Rep. John James, who repeatedly prioritized the top percent of earners over the middle class.

John James has a clear record of voting to protect wealthy tax cheats and supporting tax cuts for millionaires and billion dollar corporations rather than helping make life affordable for working families. James has failed our community repeatedly and he has worked as an obstacle against progress. The IRS has shown that we can hold the ultra-wealthy accountable and that the system does not have to be rigged against us.”

Rep James has personally voted repeatedly to gut IRS funding to further protect the rich from paying their fair share. James co-sponsored a bill that would give major tax breaks to wealthy owners of large businesses. Rep. James is also part of the Republican Study Committee, which has proposed making the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent. According to a study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers will receive an average tax cut of over $60,000 in 2025 from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


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