Michigan Families For Fair Care Rejects Republican Policies That Cut Taxes For The Ultra-Wealthy and Corporations

As the Republican Party gathers for their national convention in Wisconsin, Michigan Families for Fair Care urges Rep. John James to side with middle class Americans and not with special interests once again. 

Steve Lawson, Executive Director of Michigan Families for Fair Care:
“Today, Republicans are touting their tax policies as a plan to ‘Make America Wealthy Once Again.’ In Congress, members, like our own Rep. John James, will soon have to decide what to do when the 2017 Republican Tax Scam expires at the end of 2025. Now is a good time to call on Michigan’s representatives to have their constituents in mind. Michigan families deserve a break after years of footing this country’s tax bill following the disastrous 2017 Republican tax plan. Constituents of Michigan’s 10th congressional district have a  Representative  who unfortunately has a clear record of voting to protect wealthy tax cheats and supporting tax cuts for millionaires and billion-dollar corporations rather than helping make life affordable for working families. We urge Michiganders to call John James and tell him not to support another round of tax cuts for the wealthy.”

Rep. James has personally voted repeatedly to gut IRS funding to further protect the rich from paying their fair share. James co-sponsored a bill that would give major tax breaks to wealthy owners of large businesses. Rep. James is also part of the Republican Study Committee, which has proposed making the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent. 

Despite efforts to strip away its resources, the IRS recently announced a tax windfall of $1 billion from millionaires who have avoided paying taxes for years. It is not too late to level the playing field. 


Where’s Rep. John James? Michigan Families For Fair Care Calls On The Congressman To Take Questions From His Constituents


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